Monday 22 October 2012

2012 What a year that was !

It's December 2012 already .... and there are 246 animals in the Irish Herd (excluding Canada and the US). What a year - fantastic new embryo calves from the Canadian Embryos purchased Very pleased with the embryo purchases - nothing on the ground from US yet

Friday 6 April 2012

First Embryo Born in Canada!!!!!

We are delighted to report that this week saw the birth of the first embryo we exported to Canada.
Byron and Caroline Templeton of XTC Herefords in Alberta Canada e-mailed with the news of the Ballyaville Secunda - Bowmont Storm Calf had hit the ground with no problems born outside.
We hope to receive a picture of the bouncing baby boy very soon and will post it as soon as it arrives.
This is the first of six embryo's we exported to Canada last year 2011.

Daddy Pounds Visit

At the end of March Anne's father Derek (AKA Daddy Pounds), came to visit us here at Allowdale he was certainly on a working holiday and had little time to relax.
Derek erected an amazing electric fence in a 15 acre field of rented land with the gardener, he helped me catch and tie bulls as well as the day to day feeding, power washing, picking stones
and herding cattle. He enjoyed a fabulous trip to Galway with friends and celebrated his birthday in style on the farm.
My daughter Phoebe really took to Derek and he even taught her about the aerodynamics of aircraft wings and how they fly. We had some funny moments and some stressful ones Derek's presence is certainly missed now he has returned to Canada.

I found Daddy Pounds not only great to work with but a pleasure to be around, I enjoyed his life stories and cant wait to have him visit again.

Friday 13 January 2012

New Year Brings New Life to Allowdale

The new year at Allowdale has been fantastic I've been washing our newly halter broken bulls, (Cutler, Yaraman, Valour, Jack Demsey, and Best Trump) I was expecting them to behave pretty badly but they were complete gentlemen. The boss even gave me a chance to start clipping them which i actually turned out to be quite good at.
We had a Heifer calf born on New Years day Pashmina to Allowadale Pheadra by BHG she is beautiful.
The boss left for the Denver Stock Show on Tuesday and everything was relatively quiet until 0830hrs this morning when I noticed Trena looking sick to 1045 baby number two of 2012 was born a handsome bull calf......

The boss is back Monday so I'm hoping Sparkle will calve before then just so I have more great news to welcome Anne and Liam home with..........